Empowering Community Groups in Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes

Discover a comprehensive resource hub designed to support and empower community groups, charitable organisations and networks. Access valuable tools, mentorship and information to help your organisation thrive.


Leadership in Governance Mentor Programme

The Leadership in Governance Mentoring Programme is a six month mentoring programme aimed at strengthening leaders in the Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes in governance roles of community organisations through focused mentoring relationships. Look out for our next mentoring programme in the future.


Help us
build huddl


huddl recognises the valuable impact that community groups and charitable organisations make to creating a thriving region for all. We appreciate the passion and hard work that goes into running a non-profit and our goal is to give you the tools you need to be successful.

We are keen to ensure that huddl meets the needs of the community and want to create a resource that helps you achieve more. This is why we need your help. We are asking community groups to reflect on what’s holding you back and take part in a 5-10 minute survey to help shape and prioritise the work huddl does. Through this survey we want to understand your challenges, barriers and highlight opportunities for us to build a solution that truly works for you.


Who we are

huddl is here to make life easier for community groups, charities, non-profits and community stakeholders by connecting you with what you need when you need it. Our comprehensive resources, templates, mentor programmes and up to date information is designed to take the uncertainty out of running your group or organisation, understanding some of the tricky stuff or finding the right people to talk to.

How we can help

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    Resources and Tools

    huddl will provide all sorts of helpful information from fact sheets, templates and links to valuable resources. Not sure how to run an event? What legal info do I need to be across? Want to know what web based tools are available to help make your easier? Watch this space!

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    Leadership and Governance

    Effective board and committee members can help you achieve your goals and ensure your organisation runs smoothly. Good governance is about providing strategic direction, leadership and managing risk. We’ll be developing resources to help you on your governance journey. Watch this space!

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    Upskilling and Connections

    huddl wants to help you grow and succeed so we will be providing access to training, seminars, webinars and some fantastic mentors to help keep your mission on target and help you level up your skills. We’ll also be providing opportunities for networking and collaboration to help you build connections, share skills and become even stronger together. Watch this space!

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    Funding Assistance

    Community groups and charities play a vital role in creating strong and vibrant communities. However, we get that you need funding to help deliver your service or awesome initiative. We’ll be offering some helpful resources on funding to help head you in the right direction. Watch this space!

Get in touch with huddl

contact card

Project lead

Fiona Reeve

huddl is here to help with any questions or information you might need. While we are building our website feel free to drop a line to Fiona our huddl Project Lead and let us know how we can best assist you.

Lets talk

Contact our Project Lead